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House Decluttering Checklist: A Free Printable Declutter Checklist

House Decluttering Checklist 

A house decluttering checklist can reduce the stress of tidying. Whether you're just starting your decluttering journey or you're looking for effective decluttering tips to make your home more organized, this guide will help you take the first step. Let's use a decluttering checklist to clear out those unwanted items and make your space more enjoyable and functional.

Start with a Declutter Plan, Enter Free Printable 

Before diving into the decluttering process, it's important to have a plan. Begin by setting small, daily goals. This could be as simple as clearing out a single junk drawer or tackling the medicine cabinet. Breaking down tasks into manageable pieces makes the entire decluttering project less daunting.

Use a Decluttering Box

kid putting toys in a donation box

Declutter your home simply. One of the easiest ways to start is by using a decluttering box. Here's how it works:

  1. Find a Box: Choose a large cardboard box or storage container and place it somewhere accessible but not in the way.

  2. Select Items: Begin by selecting five to ten items that you no longer need. These could be duplicate items, expired products, or things that don't hold much sentimental value.

  3. Reflect: As you put items in the box, think about why you're letting them go. This helps build your "letting go muscles" and prepares you for bigger tasks ahead.

Focus on Key Areas Go Room by Room

To keep your decluttering journey on track, focus on specific areas one at a time. Here's a decluttering checklist to help you get started:

  1. Kitchen Clutter: Sort through kitchen cabinets, drawers, and the pantry. Dispose of expired food and unused items. Organise plastic containers and get rid of those without matching lids.

  2. Bedroom: Tackle your dresser drawers and closet. Donate unloved clothes and sort out your entire jeans collection. Use drawer organisers to keep things tidy.

  3. Bathroom: Clear out bathroom clutter by sorting through your medicine cabinet, shower items, and bathroom towels. Check expiration dates on products and dispose of expired sunscreen and other expired items.

  4. Living Room: Declutter the coffee table, entertainment centre, and decorative items. Get rid of items that don't add value to your space.

  5. Home Office: Organise your desk drawers, filing cabinet, and any paper clutter. Shred old documents and recycle junk mail. Keep only what's necessary for your daily routine and future projects.

List of Things to Declutter

Getting Rid of Paper Clutter

Paper clutter can take over your living space. To tackle this, start by sorting through old magazines, newspapers, and junk mail. Recycle what you no longer need and consider digitizing important documents. This will help reduce clutter and make it easier to find what you need. A printable list of things to throw away can help you stay organised and motivated.

Organising the Hall Closet

The hall closet is often a catch-all for shoes, accessories, and random items. Start by taking everything out and sorting through it. Donate items in good condition that you no longer use and discard any worn-out shoes. Use over-the-door organisers to keep shoes and accessories tidy. This is a great way to declutter your home room-by-room.

Kitchen Counters and Appliances

Kitchen counters can become cluttered with kitchen appliances and utensils. Check the kitchen appliances you use and store away any that you haven't used recently. Clearing your kitchen counters creates more space. Space makes your kitchen look cleaner and more organised. Include this task in your decluttering checklist to ensure nothing is missed.

Managing Toiletries and Cleaning Supplies

Bathrooms can become cluttered with expired toiletries and excess cleaning supplies. Check expiration dates and discard any expired items. Organise what’s left using clear containers or drawer organisers. Keep your bathroom tidy and ensure that you only keep what's necessary. This is a key part of any step-by-step guide to decluttering.

Decluttering Digital Media

Digital clutter is just as important to manage as physical clutter. Sort through your digital media, such as photos and files. Delete anything that's no longer needed. Consider using cloud storage to keep important files. It will be organised and accessible without taking up valuable space on your devices.

Decluttering Tips

  • Categorise Items: Sort items into categories like keep, donate, recycle, or throw away. This helps streamline the organising process.

  • Involve the Family: Encourage family members to join in the decluttering process. It can be a fun and productive activity for everyone.

  • Embrace Minimalism: Ask yourself if each item adds value to your life. If it doesn't, consider letting it go.

  • Use Storage Solutions: Invest in storage containers, drawer organisers, and clear-front shoe boxes to keep your home tidy and organised.

Benefits of Decluttering and a Clutter-Free Home

Decluttering isn't just about getting rid of things; it's about creating a more functional space and reducing stress. A clean, organised home can improve your physical space and mental well-being. Plus, it makes cleaning tasks easier and faster. A decluttered house will feel like a weight lifted. 

Get Started with a Free Printable Declutter Checklist

Decluttering Box Challenge Checklist

Ready to start your decluttering journey? Click the link to download your free decluttering checklist. This printable checklist will guide you through the decluttering process, making it easier to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Final Thoughts on Things to Declutter

Decluttering can be done any time of year, not just during National Cleaning Week. Start small, use a decluttering box, and follow a plan to make your home more organised and enjoyable. Remember, the decluttering journey is ongoing, so take it one step at a time. Happy decluttering!


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